Foreign Language Requirement

Since 2010 the Bellarmine College of Arts and Sciences requires foreign language proficiency for all Bachelor of Arts degree. This requirement, recommended by the faculty and approved by the President in June 2009, is a critical part of our educational mission, our liberal arts core, and our goal to internationalize the Bellarmine student experience.

All entering undergraduate students for the Bellarmine College of Arts and Sciences with language background are required to demonstrate proficiency at the basic level (one semester, or two semester’s based on your years of taking languages at your school. If transferring to Bellarmine College of Arts and Sciences from another college or institution, the same principle applies. Bellarmine requires all BA degree candidates in Bellarmine College (see below for a list of BA degrees in Bellarmine College) to be proficient in a foreign language at the 102 level to be eligible for graduation.

Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Bellarmine College

  • Art
  • Arts Administration
  • Biology (requires 6 hours of foreign language at the 100 level)
  • Chemistry (requires 6 hours of foreign language at the 100 level)
  • Computer Science
  • Criminal Justice Studies
  • English
  • Foreign Languages and International Studies (requires advanced foreign language study)
  • History
  • Liberal Studies
  • Mathematics (requires 6 hours of foreign language at the 100 level)
  • Music
  • Music Technology
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Spanish 
  • Theatre
  • Theology

Some BA degree programs in Bellarmine College of Arts and Sciences require foreign language coursework beyond that of the College proficiency requirement; students must meet the requirements of their respective major(s) in order to complete graduation requirements such as the Honors Program, the School of Environmental Studies, etc. For all BA degrees in Bellarmine College, however, the minimum proficiency outlined above must be met.  

IF you did not study a foreign language prior to enrolling at Bellarmine, you must start at the 101 level and complete up to six hours of credit in a foreign language.