Addendum for Standard 1

Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions
Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other school professionals know
and demonstrate the content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and skills, pedagogical
and professional knowledge and skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet professional, state, and institutional standards.

1.3 Feedback on correcting previous areas for improvement (AFIs)
Not Applicable to this standard.

1.4 Areas of concern related to continuing to meet the standard
None from the off-site review.

1.5 Clarification of, and responses to, questions in off-site report
(1) Evidence/data disaggregation (by years, with n and percentages) for School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) and the Kentucky Principal Test (KYPT) for Master of Arts in Instructional Leadership and School Administration program. (see Addendum Exhibit 1.5.1)

(3) Disaggregation of disposition assessment data for the initial and advanced programs. (see Addendum Exhibits 1.5.3.a and 1.5.3.b)

(5) Response rates of employer surveys, disaggregated (with n and percentages). (see
Addendum Exhibit 1.5.5; note that these are data from initial certification programs;
advanced program data are in separate IR Exhibits 1.3.i.3 and 1.3.i.5)

(6) Information on how the unit is addressing student concerns with preparation in the use of technology.  (see Addendum Exhibit 6.5.9)

(7) Alumni surveys: adequacy of preparation for teaching and/or other professional roles.
All exiting candidate, graduate, and employer surveys are initiated by the unit and are
designed to elicit specific feedback about candidate preparation for teaching and other
professional roles (see IR Exhibits1.3.j, 1.3.i.3, and 1.3.i.5). Additionally, the New
Teacher Survey, administered by the KY Education Professional Standards Board,
elicits preparation feedback from candidates, cooperating teachers, and supervisors in
regard to preparation (see IR Exhibits 1.3.i.2, 1.3.i.2.a, 1.3.i.2.b).

(8) Disaggregation of data on programs offered by the unit: a table listing all initial programs and a table listing advanced programs. (see Addendum Exhibit 1.5.8)

(9) Clarification of the number of candidates in the unit. (see Addendum Exhibit 1.5.8)

(10) Data to support statements made in the IR narrative on Continuous Improvement.  (see Addendum Exhibit 1.5.10)

Addendum Exhibits

Addendum Exhibit 1.5.1 Pass Rates on SLLA, KYPT

Addendum Exhibit 1.5.3.a Dispositions Assessment Data Initial Certification Programs

Addendum Exhibit 1.5.3.b Dispositions Assessment Data Advanced Programs

Addendum Exhibit 1.5.5 Employer Survey Data

Addendum Exhibit 1.5.8 Programs Offered by Unit

Addendum Exhibit 1.5.10 Continuous Improvement Data

Addendum Exhibit 6.5.9 Technology Preparation of Candidates