Addendum for Standard 3

Standard 3: Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
The unit and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and
clinical practice so that teacher candidates and other school professionals develop and
demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students

3.3 Feedback on correcting previous areas for improvement (AFIs)
No areas for improvement were cited at the previous visit.

3.4 Areas of concern related to continuing to meet the standard
None from the off-site review.

3.5 Clarification of, and responses to, questions in off-site report

(1) …According to handbooks and documents, expectations are to be clearly provided to all candidates as well as cooperating teachers and university supervisors. Is there a plan to address this issue?
The IR Exhibit (3.2.g.1) was used intentionally to show an unsuccessful junior practicum experience that resulted in a) a disposition intervention plan; b) stopping this candidate from passing Transition Point 2; and c) repeating a semester of the junior practicum and thus delaying her professional semester experience. As part of this unsuccessful experience, the candidate (according to this cooperating teacher) failed to provide the required information, including expectations, to the teacher. Providing this information, including the first page of the required cooperating teacher evaluation (see IR Exhibit 3.3.e.l, p. 44), is one of the responsibilities of the practicum candidate. The Field Experience and Junior Practicum Handbook is available to candidates and cooperating teachers electronically on the unit’s website.
The unit does not hold a face-to-face orientation for field and/or practicum cooperating teachers due to the limited time candidates are in placements; however, a comprehensive orientation is held for cooperating teachers involved in the professional semester. Candidates in the junior practicum have a supervisor who checks in periodically with the cooperating teacher, particularly when the candidate is being evaluated while teaching a lesson. Supervisors of the junior practicum do attend an orientation prior to both semesters, and are made aware of their responsibilities as well as those of the candidate. Failure of a candidate to provide a cooperating teacher with the appropriate information, including expectations, is cause for intervention.

(2) …According to records provided, most of the supervisors have been on board for several years. How is the School of Education differentiating clinical training for supervisors and appropriately updating them on issues such as LiveText?
The Field Placement Coordinator meets with supervisors at least twice each semester (beginning and end) as well as at the four professional semester seminars where candidates are in attendance (see IR Exhibit 3.3.d.4). The purpose of these meetings is to update supervisors on any changes in assessments or procedures, such as the newly revised SBUS. LiveText data entry may be a part of some of these sessions. Expectations concerning supervisor and candidate proficiency with LiveText have been reviewed and structured more consistently so that supervisors will not have to participate in introductory sessions unless needed. A new data manager and LiveText facilitator (effective June, 2012) will be in a better position to maintain a more individualized format for such sessions.

(3) It is stated in the Field/Clinical Handbook that is for MAT students, “Candidates who are teachers of record in the alternative route (Option 6) must arrange field experiences during planning time and/or after school hours with their building administrators, or participate in field placement in a school district with a calendar different from his/her own.” How is this monitored for quality?
IR Exhibit 1.3.a.10 (Master of Arts in Teaching Program Review Document) contains the Alternative Certification Handbook (p. 301), which details the expectations for the mentor and candidate (p. 314) and the monitoring system (p. 316). The assigned university mentor is responsible for tracking the field experiences of the alternative certification candidate – both for completion and diversity. Module instructors monitor the placements of MAT candidates – both traditional and alternative certification – as well. Placements are established and approved by the Field Placement Coordinator. (see Addendum Exhibit 3.5.3 for an example of a teacher-of-record completing diverse field placements.)

(4) While a listing of hours for some courses has been provided in handbooks, some of the hours are inconsistent with hours represented on the corresponding syllabus. A table with field experiences and clinical settings for all programs at both initial and advanced levels is needed.
(see Addendum Exhibit 3.5.4 for an explanation of field placements and Addendum Exhibit 3.5.4.a for each initial and advanced program’s sites, hours, and emphasis)

(5) Is there evidence of any research being conducted with partner schools?
There are two current research projects being conducted with partner schools:
(1) Oldham County Literacy Academy – David Paige is overseeing a detailed research plan to evaluate the efficacy of the literacy academies in the partnership with Bellarmine; Kathleen Cooter is working extensively with LaGrange Elementary in Oldham County and their ELL population in a research project targeting reading proficiency in conjunction with the Literacy Academy partnership.
(2) David Paige is conducting an extensive research study with Seth Pollitt, a social studies teacher at Iroquois High School and doctoral student, at Iroquois with high school juniors on strategies for teaching complex text to struggling readers. Iroquois High School is the new site for a partnership with secondary education majors to conduct intervention plans as part of their junior practicum.

(6) Additional clarification of the junior practicum experience for secondary education majors.
As described in IR Exhibit 3.3.e.1 (p. 15), undergraduate secondary education majors complete a junior practicum experience in both fall and spring semesters (with EDUC 355 in fall; EDUC 132 in spring), however are unable to stay in a school for a complete day due to their content course requirements in their concentration areas. Beginning fall 2012, secondary education majors will complete 50 hours (EDUC 355) divided between Iroquois High School, Trunnell Elementary, and 4 residential schools (Bellwood, Brooklawn, Home of the Innocents, and Louisville Day Treatment; see IR Exhibit 3.3.a.5). All of these placements are highly diverse and involve interaction with learners who represent the full spectrum of diversity. In spring 2013, secondary education majors will complete 50 hours at Iroquois High School. The practicum experience includes observation detailed in a log of hours, lesson planning and implementation with evaluation by a supervisor for at least two implemented lessons, extensive reflection activities, and evaluation by cooperating teachers with whom candidates are placed. Candidates must have successful practicum evaluations in order to meet Transition Point 2 requirements. Additionally, candidates are involved in creating and implementing “Intervention Plans” with Iroquois High School students (this occurred at Doss High School in spring 2012; see IR Exhibit 3.3.g.2).

Addendum Exhibits
Addendum Exhibit 3.5.3 Teacher of Record Diverse Field

Addendum Exhibit 3.5.4 Explanation of Field Experiences

Addendum Exhibit 3.5.4.a Field Experiences Chart Initial Certification