The AFTSE unit budget is controlled through the Office of Administration and Finance. The budgeting process consists of annual budget requests which are submitted each spring to the university comptroller. Approvals for final budgets are made at the university's cabinet level and then submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval. The AFTSE budget has increased slightly over the last three years from $1,947,230 (2009-10) to $2,099,215 (2011-12), an increase of 7.8%. This increase reflects small growth in faculty and staff salaries (Exhibit 6.3.f). Exhibit 6.3.g compares budgets by units and fiscal years with other similar units across the university, suggesting equity in funding allotment. Both responsibility and control for the administration of the unit budget rest with the dean (unit head). Decisions are made by the dean based upon program demands and overall needs of the unit. Requests for new faculty lines and the filling of existing lines are made by the dean to the Vice President for Academic Affairs who assesses unit needs in view of broader university goals.


6.3.f AFTSE Budget by Line-Item

6.3.g Unit Budget Comparison