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Class notes At a recent commissioning ceremony in Three BU alumni – doug strothman ’87 (kneeling at left), Chuck Priddy ’84 Frankfort, three military officers with (center) and tony ohlmann ’85 (far right) – got a team together to compete in Bellarmine ties posed for this photo: the Tough Mudder, a 12-mile race with 21 military-style obstacles in Maysville, Ky. (L-R) 2nd lt. Brian Clark ’09, Major general edward tonini ’73 and 1st lt. Kyle smolek ’09. 1950s George Merrifield Jr. ’54 was honored by Ken- of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Western Schwann racing against the clock to solve a series tucky Gov. Steve Beshear with the Lifetime Regional Research Center in Albany. He returned of murders involving mind control. The book is Achievement Award for Volunteerism and Service to UC Davis as interim chair of the Department available in both hard copy and electronic version in the Louisville/Jefferson County area. George of Food Science and Technology, 2009-11. Since on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble. was nominated by Meredith McCann ’10. 1998 he has been editor-in-chief of the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, an American 2000s 1960s Chemical Society publication. Bellarmine “really The American Chemical Society recognized James was the starting point of my career,” he said. “Dr. Seiber ’61, professor emeritus of environmental John (Jack) Daly of Bellarmine was my mentor, toxicology at the University of California, Davis, and gave me encouragement and a sense of for his outstanding achievements in agricultural direction during a critical time in my life.” chemistry by selecting him as the recipient of the Kenneth A. Spencer Award, presented by the 1990s Kansas City Section of the American Chemical Jim Myers ’93 MBA is the new president of the Society at a celebration on Oct. 19. The Kenneth Whip Mix Corp. A. Spencer Award, widely considered the top award in agricultural chemistry, recognizes meri- Mary Donlon ’97 MBA and Marilyn Rausch co- torious contributions to the field of agricultural wrote Headaches Can Be Murder, a novel and Elizabeth Anne “Beth” Bohannon ’02 (above) and food chemistry. The award has been given first in a series published Sept. 1 by North Star and Douglas Howard “Howie” Baker were married annually in Kansas City since 1955 and carries Press. The premise: Serendipity leads Chip Collin- on Dec. 21, 2012, at Duncan Memorial Chapel in an honorarium of $6000. Seiber, a teacher and gsworth into mystery writing and Crestwood, Ky. Beth graduated from Bellarmine researcher in the areas of chemical contaminant to the small community of Turners in 2002 with a degree in art (painting) and is analysis, transport and environmental fate, joined Bend, Iowa, where he intertwines currently working at the Kentucky School for the the UC Davis faculty in 1969. In 1992 he became his new life and local events in Blind. Howie graduated from Earlham College the founding director of the Center for Environ- Brain Freeze, his second novel, in 2005 with a degree in philosophy; he works mental Sciences and Engineering at the University which features his alter ego, Dr. for Universal Woods and plays violin in the Bel- of Nevada, Reno. In 1998, he was named director John Goodman, and FBI agent Jo larmine Orchestra. 48 BellarMine Magazine

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