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Bellarmine Magazine_Fall2012

MBA AWAy in May, 33 students traveled to Madrid, Spain, ac- of business would be significantly frowned upon by companied by faculty (and husband and wife) Fred and european businessmen. in exposing the MBA students Gale rhodes. Another 30 students traveled to Paris to these differences, it is hoped that they will be able to with the rubel School’s Dr. Alan Deck (a professor of succeed in working in a global business environment.” accounting) and Carl Hafele (a business and economics John Gist, president of Gist Piano and an executive instructor). MBA (eMBA) student who traveled to Spain, described While abroad, the students participated in intensive the unique value of the experience. “our eMBA class european-style classroom instruction, toured business (was required to) analyze Spain’s economy and make facilities, heard from european business leaders and took market predictions based on macroeconomic theory,” he in cultural attractions. During unscheduled times, the said. “Spain was the focal point of the case study because students were free to tour on their own or in small groups. it was viewed as an integral member of the european The experience exposes students to the political, union’s ‘house of cards.’ The eu – and the world social, legal and regulatory environments in the countries economy – was predicted to hemorrhage if Spain could they visit and immerses them in unfamiliar cultures. not control government spending through radical After spending some time studying about the global econ- austerity measures and reverse capital flight. And we omy, these MBA students get to experience it firsthand were about to go on a class trip to this country? What on unfamiliar turf. an opportunity to see what you are actually studying!” european customs present American students with one valuable takeaway for students was a series of a different way of seeing the business world, said Dr. lectures by prominent business executives and site visits Deck. “The students are exposed to business philoso- to their companies, including telecommunications giant phies that are far different from what they get in the Telefónica and prominent hospitality chain NH Hoteles. u.S.,” he said. “There is a lot more patriotism in europe “it was interesting to get a perspective from a member of executive management from one of the largest comp- anies in europe,” said Heath Majors, a banking center “...profit is not the manager at republic Bank and another eMBA student-uiz Canela from Teleron the Madrid trip. “Professor overriding motive in fónica made an impact on me, and the tour of Telefónicaur seminaroafterward was a great way to end the day. Europe, especially if by Professor Catala espinosa from NG Hoteles gave usan insight into the sales mentality and motivational it comes at the cost of why Spain has so many financial issues.”tactics of his company. He helped open my eyes as to cultural standards...” economy was by witnessing it in action all around them.Another way the students experienced the local “unemployment is not necessarily a measure of a coun- try’s ability to generate cash flow on a per capita basis,” said Mr. Gist. “The ‘underground 40%’ depicts highly and the business culture is accordingly quite different. alarming unemployment rates. However, just because Many of the business policies we teach are not acceptable Spain has a high rate of unemployment doesn’t mean that there. For example, profit is not the overriding motive Spain’s citizens are sitting on their work boots collecting in europe, especially if it comes at the cost of cultural governmental benefits. The Spanish are masterminds standards.” of the ‘street dollar.’ From floating genies to hungry The students are also taught how business is conduct- musicians, Spanish street vendors come in many forms ed differently in various european countries, he said. and disciplines.” “one example is that business is never mingled with Besides the coursework and field trips, the students dining. Dining is a social occasion only, and any mention valued the bonding that comes from traveling abroad as a 24 bellarmine magazine

Bellarmine Magazine_Fall2012
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