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Bellarmine Magazine_Fall2012

THe reADerS WriTe m Favorite hangouty Compiled by Carla Carlton, We ReCenTly AsKeD ouR ReADeRs To nAme TheIR FAVoRITe bellARmIne hAnGouTs, on CAmPus oR oFF, AnD Guess WhAT? noT eVeRyone sAID shenAnIGAn’s! We’Ve PRInTeD some oF ouR oTheR FAVoRITe ResPonses beloW. i and several other students who worked the couch full time and attended Bellarmine’sevening program often gathered inarea in thethe cafeteriaellarminebbefore classes to talk or study. Six of usorriganh class, and even participated in an games probably could have been listed campus Golfthat we often had only a few minutes, ourand cried, studied and skippedationalnhad a sort of informal chess club. Given laughediduring free period. Jennifer Michelle Heil ’11, De Soto, Ill. don’t think i ever actually ate there! courseiamong the world’s longest-played.event or two to gain a free shirt. Jean Varble ’75, Louisville Travis Howell ’06, Burton, Mich. JacK fry’s A lot of good times were had there. plantationclubWayne Walker ’63, Louisville Ed Burkett ’72, Roanoke, Va. Kennedy/newman lobby for Cigar Club meetings. buildinG.for day drinking, the area in front of thehenanigan’she artt for open mic,ilary’shs And third-floornewman was always a party. There were always so many couches and awesome Macy Finck ’99, Opelika, Ala. things to look at. Liz Dugan ’10, Louisville leo’stavern it’s the truth: and the the library! adG house Books have always been my friends. cumberlandbrews Jerry “Wolfie” Schlick ’70, Joe Fischer ’68, Louisville on Monday night (to listen to Big Mike of Tiffin, Ohio the Trustees of Modern Chemistry play) and heinebros.! shenanigan’s (of course!).Theresa Feldman-Allison ’04, Lexington Brittany McGarry ’09, Boone, N.C. DID We mIss youR FAVoRITe? JoIn The ConVeRsATIon AT FACebooK.Com/bellARmIneu AnD TWITTeR.Com/bellARmIneu oR DRoP A noTe To CCARlTon@bellARmIne.eDu. fall 2012 9

Bellarmine Magazine_Fall2012
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