Addendum for Standard 2

Standard 2: Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
The unit has an assessment system that collects and analyzes data on applicant qualifications,
candidate and graduate performance, and unit operations to evaluate and improve the
performance of candidates, the unit, and its programs.

2.3 Feedback on correcting previous areas for improvement (AFIs)
No areas for improvement were cited at the previous visit.

2.4 Areas of concern related to continuing to meet the standard
None from the off-site review.

2.5 Clarification of, and responses to, questions in off-site report

NOTE: Questions 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 address on-site interviews and/or records available on site.

(1) Provide evidence regarding how Arts and Sciences (A&S) faculty participate in design of program assessment and have access to assessment data. Interview A&S faculty regarding assessment activity.
Arts and Sciences faculty are Advisory Committee on Education members, including the VPAA, who are integrally involved in program curriculum and assessment decisions. Additionally, A&S faculty advise secondary education majors, are informed through departmental meetings of Praxis II content and tests, and participate in the assessment of candidates at transition points through the recommendation process. A&S faculty are responsible for general education content and area of concentration content, but do not teach content methods courses. (see also Addendum Exhibits 6.4.1 and 6.4.1.a)

(5) Interview the unit’s Data Manager and Assessment Committee regarding effectiveness
and efficiency of the unit’s assessment system.
Who is on the Assessment Committee?
What are their roles and responsibilities?

The Assessment Committee is comprised of the data manager (typically chair of the
committee) and 4-5 full-time unit faculty representing initial certification and
advanced programs. The committee’s major responsibility is to continuously review
program and unit data as a precursor to “Data Days” and for unit decisions by the full
faculty for program improvement. Additionally, the Assessment Committee:
• Brings data and assessment items to faculty meetings;
• Assists in setting agendas and preparing for ACE meetings;
• Discusses and brings drafts of assessments to the full faculty (for example, the revision of the initial certification Dispostions Self and Institutional Assessments);
• Reviews data reports to determine areas for concern or revision; and
• Assists in reliability checks and ensuring accuracy and fairness in assessments.

Assessment committee meetings are determined by the chair and/or dean in terms of frequency, but are held (typically) at least twice/semester. During the self-study year, the full faculty primarily served as the Assessment Committee, guided by the data manager and NCATE Coordinator (who serves on the committee).

The Assessment Committee has been re-constituted for the academic year 2012-13 with the appointment by the dean of a new Data Manager, Dr. William Neace. The members of the committee are as follows:

Dr. William Neace, Data Manager
Dr. Christopher Walsh
Dr. Belinda Richardson
Dr. David Paige
Dr. Elizabeth Dinkins
Dr. Anne Bucalos (NCATE Coordinator)

Addendum Exhibits

Addendum Exhibit 6.4.1 Collaboration between Unit and A&S Faculty

Addendum Exhibit 6.4.1.a Collaboration Supporting Evidence