Addendum for Standard 4

Standard 4: Diversity
The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and provides experiences for candidates to acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates can demonstrate and apply proficiencies related to diversity. Experiences provided for candidates include working with diverse populations, including higher education and P–12 school faculty, candidates, and students in P–12 schools.

4.3 Feedback on correcting previous areas for improvement (AFIs)
AFIs corrected from last visit:

AFI #1 Candidates have limited opportunities to interact with peers from diverse racial and ethnic groups. (Apply to: ITP) Rationale: Data show that the unit's progress in recruiting diverse candidates, especially candidates of color, has been minimally successful, paticuarly at the undergraduate level.

AFI #2 Candidates have limited opportunites to interact with a racially and ethnically diverse unit faculty.  (Apply to: ITP, ADV) Rationale: ...the table presented is not clear.  Two tables are needed, one for full-time faculty and the second for adjunct faculty, disaggregated by ethnicity and gender.

AFI #3 The unit does not ensure that all candidates have field experiences with racially and ethnically diverse P-12 students. (Apply to: ITP, ADV) Rationale: ...evidence is not clear as to how field experiences have been expanded to include non-traditional schools and community settings and how these are tracked by the unit database, the Degree Audit Portlet.

Addendum Exhibit 4.3.(1) addresses the diversity of candidates in initial and advanced programs.

4.4 Areas of concern related to continuing to meet the standard
(1) Clear evidence is not presented that placements in diverse settings are done in a systematic way. (see Addendum Exhibit 3.5.4 and 3.5.4.a)

(2) The unit does not provide clear information on diversity proficiencies it expects candidates to demonstrate. There are also no clear data to demonstrate that candidates meet those proficiencies.
see Addendum Exhibits 4.4.2, 4.4.2.a, 4.4.2.b, 4.4.2.c, 4.4.2.d, 4.4.2.e, and 4.4.2.f)

4.5 Clarification of, and responses to, questions in off-site report

(1) Review database of field placements to check for systematic placement in diverse settings at both initial and advanced levels.
(The full database will be available for viewing at the on-site visit.)

(2) Examine data on outcomes of the changes made to the diversity standard from 2004.
see Addendum Exhibits 4.4.2, 4.4.2.a, 4.4.2.b, 4.4.2.c, 4.4.2.d, 4.4.2.e, 4.4.2.f)

(3) Provide tables showing diversity of faculty by categories (full-time, part-time, and adjunct).
(see Addendum Exhibit 4.5.3
comparing 2004 (previous visit) faculty with 2012)

(4) Provide information on what diversity proficiencies the unit expects candidates to demonstrate. Provide data on these proficiencies.
(see Addendum Exhibits 4.4.2, 4.4.2.a, 4.4.2.b, 4.4.2.c, 4.4.2.d, 4.4.2.e, 4.4.2.f)

Addendum Exhibits
Addendum Exhibit 3.5.4 Explanation of Field Experiences

Addendum Exhibit 3.5.4.a Field Experiences Chart Initial Certification

Addendum Exhibit 4.3.(1) Diversity of Candidates in Initial Certification

Addendum Exhibit 4.4.2 Diversity Narrative

Addendum Exhibit 4.4.2.a Diversity Proficiencies and their Assessment Initial Certification

Addendum Exhibit 4.4.2.b Diversity Proficiencies and their Assessment Advanced Programs

Addendum Exhibit 4.4.2.c Admission Interview and Writing Prompt

Addendum Exhibit 4.4.2.d Key Assessment Diversity Data Initial Certification Programs

Addendum Exhibit 4.4.2.e CPR Diversity Data Sets

Addendum Exhibit 4.4.2.f Key Assessment Diversity Data Advanced programs

Addendum Exhibit 4.5.3 Diversity of Unit Faculty