Full-time tenure-track (9-month) faculty in the AFTSE are assigned a 21-hour teaching load per academic year (fall and spring semesters). Non-tenure track faculty are assigned a 24-hour load. Faculty may choose to teach in the summer for additional compensation. Full-time tenure track faculty on an 11-month contract are assigned a 27-hour teaching load, with non-tenure track (11-month) faculty assigned a 30-hour teaching load. Supervision of field and clinical experiences, including the professional semester, carries additional load, depending on the program. Faculty who choose to supervise MAT alternative certification candidates receive a stipend per candidate. Department chairs and program directors receive a reduced load as determined by the dean and Office of Academic Affairs (Exhibit 6.3.h). Faculty do not teach an overload unless there are unique circumstances. Each full-time and adjunct faculty member in the unit has access to secretarial assistance from three full-time faculty secretaries. These individuals provide services and assistance on matters related to book orders, classroom assignments, scheduling, and special events. Work study students are available to assist AFTSE faculty with routine tasks.

AFTSE full-time faculty are allotted funds that can be utilized for professional development opportunities. The unit provided $700 per faculty member in the 2011-2012 year. Faculty may request additional funding (through the dean) from the Office of Academic Affairs faculty development funds, particularly when presenting at conferences.


6.3.h Full-time Faculty Workload