What courses are required to complete the program?
Required courses: CS 130, 131, 215, 221, 310, 322, 330, 400, 415, 450 and nine hours selected from 300- or 400-level Computer Science courses.
Required related courses: ECON 110, MATH 117, 118, 120, 215, 314, 321; PHYS 205, 206. A mathematics minor is required. Computer Science majors must also complete six credits of a foreign language or satisfy the Bellarmine College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts foreign
language proficiency requirement.
Are there other special academic requirements?
Yes. A math minor is required.
What employment opportunities are available with a computer science degree?
The computer science degree prepares students for careers in information systems, programming, software engineering, and mobile computing, or for graduate
Do you provide job or internship placement?
Yes. Bellarmine guarantees every student the opportunity to have an internship, develop a career plan and build a professional network. Though an internship is not required, more internships
are available every year than the department has students to fill them. Bellarmine computer science students are in every major company in Louisville:
- Area hospitals
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- Brown & Williamson
- Capital Holding
- General Electric
- LG&E
- New Horizon
- Yum! Brands
Is financial aid available?
Yes. Please go to Bellarmine’s financial aid website for detailed information on financial
aid packages. Additionally, students can work with our Faculty Development Center to apply for grants and awards outside of the Bellarmine offerings.
How many hours can I expect to spend studying outside of class time?
Students have their own learning styles so this can vary greatly. As a rule of thumb, expect to spend an average of two hours studying for every hour you spend
in class.