Chosen Names and Personal Pronouns

Chosen Name Changes

To encourage a more inclusive and welcoming campus, Bellarmine University has established this policy, in which a community member has the option to use a chosen name on campus whenever possible. The name will appear wherever a legal name is not necessary. A student wishing to use a chosen name may do so by visiting the self-service page in One.Bellarmine. After clicking on self-service, click the displayed username in the upper right hand corner of the page. A drop down menu will appear, click on user profile, and under personal identity details click the pencil to edit. Be sure to click save after entering information.  The chosen name must be reasonable and may not be used to misrepresent the individual.

Use of the legal name will continue to be required for certain documents, including but not limited to, payroll records, billing records, financial aid documents, transcripts, medical records and federal immigrations documents. Students will need to visit the help desk to get a new ID that reflects the chosen name.

Students may contact the Registrar’s office at or 502.272.8133 for questions about updating chosen name in self-service.  

Pronouns and Gender Identity

Students may select pronouns to be displayed on class rosters. Pronouns are viewable to faculty and staff members of the Bellarmine community. If no pronoun has been selected, pronouns will not be displayed.  Gender identity is not displayed on class rosters. A student wishing to select pronouns may do so by following these steps:

  • Visit the self-service page in One.Bellarmine 
  • After clicking on self-service, click the displayed username in the upper right hand corner of the page
  • A drop down menu will appear, click on user profile, and under personal identity details click the pencil to edit
  • Be sure to click save after entering information

Students may contact the Registrar’s office at or 502.272.8133 for questions about updating pronouns and/or gender identity in self-service.

For support or additional resources regarding gender identity contact the Office of Identity and Inclusion at or 502.272.7304.