Student FAQ: Online Accommodations

Can I still use my accommodations as our classes transition to online?
Yes, you still have access to all of your currently approved accommodations. Please reach out to your faculty to communicate your accommodation needs.

How will faculty know that I want to use my testing accommodations?
Students must email instructors three days prior to each test to request to use additional testing time if tests are timed.

Can students use the Testing Center during the time period that face-to-face classes are canceled?
No. The Testing Center will be closed while students are off campus. Do not sign up for any tests through Accommodate until we resume on-campus classes.

Will I still have access to my class note takers?
All note takers have been instructed to continue to take and post notes on Accommodate, except for cases in which instructors are solely providing written online instruction.

What should I do if I have a difficult time participating in on-line classes?
Some students may experience some barriers in accessing information with this online format of teaching. Please contact Disability Services immediately if you experience new issues related to your documented disability. 

Student tips for learning online: