Surveys & Evaluations

The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness supports Bellarmine University's institutional effectiveness and continuous improvement efforts through the curation of surveys and evaluations. It also offers training and consulting on research methods involving surveys. IR&E is committed to developing a culture of continuous improvement. Sharing these reports, identifying trends and providing valuable insights to decision makers and stakeholders across campus and outside of the campus community is one way that IR&E supports the University's overarching mission.

Here are some of the ways that IR&E supports surveys and evaluations at Bellarmine:

Course Evaluations

IR&E has primary responsibility for administrating Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs) for credit-bearing courses at Bellarmine. Students and instructors receive information about completing course evaluations each semester via email and links through Moodle. Instructors and faculty administrators can also access the Explorance Blue portal to review current and past course evaluation reports.

Further information and FAQs about course evaluations procedures can be found here:

Surveys and Evaluations

Per Bellarmine's survey policy, surveys and evaluations being conducted for the purposes of assessment, program evaluation, and/or institutional effectiveness must be administered using the Explorance Blue system. Additional requirements and procedures related to the survey policy are available here.


As part of IR&E's mission to support research efforts through an "internal consultancy" model, staff in IR&E are developing training tools and modules to assist community members with survey and evaluation methods and design. Staff are also available for one-on-one consulting as part of the survey request process.